
Travel to the Sacred Portals of the world with Emana

The trips to the portals are part of a great learning process that the founder Marcia Bellö brings as an essence of the company. It was through her world travels, which have visited more than 30 countries since 2011 and as a nomad, that she learned human development tools in sacred places and got to know in depth some of the main Portals of the Planet, where each one adds in the teachings of their courses, certifications, projects, and inspirations.

About the Sacred Portals

The Sacred Portals are high-frequency sites that preserve ancestral information and work actively in receiving and sending energy to the Planet (our crystalline grid). They are like our Chakras, which have specific functions, but together they amplify the Earth's auric field. When we visit portals such as Machu Picchu (Peru), Stonehenge (UK), Mount Shasta (USA), Uluru (Aus), among others.

We receive all this vibrational field in our DNA and access again, this information in our reality. In this way, a process of self-transformation naturally occurs from the moment there is awareness of where we are, what type of energy, and what it will work on us. A portal opens in you and in the whole Universe.

Our Expeditions

In all the trips, we will explore the Sacred Portals, understanding the ancestral history and local energy, where these teachings inspire us in the process of self-transformation through experiences, human development exercises, meditations, healing, and other aspects that integrate this discovery. Facilitated and developed by Marcia Bellö and her Team Emana, the expeditions aim to bring profound guidance on the importance of knowing cultures and how their teachings can help us build a future more aligned and connected to our missions on Earth.

  • Experiences at the Portals.

    Visits and connections with the energy Portal through experiences, meditations, knowledge of the local culture, and the entire timeline of the consciousness field of this energetic point.

  • Accommodation and Food.

    Healthy food and lodging aligned with the essence of the trips. These will be selected according to each itinerary and value base. Learn more by downloading the PDF's of the expeditions.

  • Courses & Certifications.

    Courses and workshops are taught by Emana Project during the trip. Besides the knowledge of the portals, we study tools that can be applied in our lives, complementing what was experienced on the Expedition.

  • Team Support.

    Our team brings support in registration and in the entire process of the trip. Each experience has a great purpose, and we are taking care of every detail to make it special for you.

Upcoming Expeditions

The Magical Inca Culture | Peru 2024

(SOLD OUT) - from April 27th to May 5th, 2024 | Guided - in English/Português

NEXT DATES | 2nd Semester 2024 (preencher formulário de lista de espera p/ próximas Turmas 2024/25)

A cultura Inca é conhecida pelos grandes líderes que habitaram a região e construíram impérios que transcendem Eras. Uma sabedoria mágica que inspira a conexão com os três mundos (interno, terreno e espiritual), através do Chakana - símbolo sagrado que representa a harmonia cósmica e a interligação entre essas esferas. Essa visão holística da vida ecoa até os dias de hoje, guiando-nos a cultivar uma compreensão profunda de nossa existência e a nutrir a interconexão entre todos os aspectos da nossa jornada.

Na Expedição do Portal Peru, mergulharemos na energia sagrada dos Incas por meio de experiências locais e ativações especiais, guiadas com maestria por Marcia Bellö. A unificação dos estudos dos Portais do Planeta e as perspectivas de 'O Novo Humano', entrelaçadas com aulas, meditações e atividades na região, compõem um trabalho precioso de preservação da sabedoria ancestral. Este é um convite para nos inspirarmos profundamente em nossas vidas, conectando-nos com raízes sagradas para um florescer consciente.

Whatsapp Energy Travel aqui | ou envie um email para - juliane@energytravel.com.br

The Sacred Aboriginal Country | Australia 2024

from June 14th to June 25th, 2024 | Guided in English

Vamos juntos conhecer uma das culturas mais antigas do mundo: os aborígenes e a terra sagrada da Oceania, que nos inspira com suas paisagens, história, arte e sabedoria ancestral. Serão 12 dias de expedição por diferentes regiões do país, envolvendo-nos com a cultura por meio de atividades locais, roadtrips, ativações meditativas e estudos aprofundados dos Portais da Austrália.

Descubra como podemos dar continuidade a esses conhecimentos em nossas vidas, integrando-os e preservando-os para as próximas gerações. É uma oportunidade de conectar, aprender e preservar a rica herança da terra australiana.

The Heart of Greenland (North Pole) 2024

(Last 5 spots) | from June 28th to July 8th, 2024 | Guided - in English/Português

In this transcendental and captivating journey, we invite you to explore the majestic and untouched land of Greenland, where the elements of nature and spirituality intertwine in mysterious and profound ways. This is not just a trip; it is a call to connect with the hidden and sacred portals of our planet.

Our itinerary has been carefully crafted to explore not only the remarkable points of this remote region but also to delve into the spiritual experiences that this place offers us. Every step, every encounter with local communities, and every moment of reflection amid the vast landscapes will bring us closer to the integration of the wisdom of this portal.

Whatsapp Amana Jornadas here | or email - key@amanajornadas.com.br

The Secrets of Montserrat (Spain) 2024

from 18th to 21st July, 2024 | Guided - in English

The Sacred Mountain of Montserrat is a Portal that operates at a high-frequency level, centered on the feminine. Known worldwide for its trails and paths around the mountain, serving as pilgrimage routes, Montserrat holds deep spiritual significance. The figures "drawn" on the mountain carry special meaning, connecting us with sister constellations and the pure, crystalline energy of our being and soul.

During this Expedition, we propose a unique experience in a 4-day retreat at the foot of the Mountain, guided by Marcia Bellö. The schedule will include daily morning Yoga practices, ceremonies with sacred cacao, activation meditations in the Sacred Portals, in-depth classes on “The New Human" and “Sacred Portals”, along with explorations of the surrounding region. Engaging in heartfelt conversations under the gaze of the stars, we'll share insights and meaningful connections. It's a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in the transformative energy of Montserrat and embark on a journey of spiritual elevation.

Only 10 spots | Email us - aloha@emanainstitute.com

Portal Bali (Indonesia) - 2024

(últimas 4 vagas) | de 14 à 23 de novembro, 2024 | Guiado em Português

O Portal de Bali traz a beleza e magia de um lugar conectado profundamente com a espiritualidade e suas nuances ancestrais inspiradoras em todos os lugares da Indonesia. Caminhar pelos templos, conhecer as praias paradisíacas e suas águas cristalinas, sentir o perfume de incenso e as flores em todos os seus cantos, estar em contato com os rituais e oferendas, orações e o contexto genuíno deste Portal, nos transforma.

O Convite para o Retiro & Expedição Bali é para você que deseja estudar e se aprofundar na cultura e portal sagrado, e os ensinamentos sobre a nova performance humana nesta Nova Era. Serão 10 dias de imersão com yoga, práticas meditativas, treinamento/estudos e atividades nos locais sagrados de Bali - guiado por Marcia Bellö e Gabriel Duran.

Whatsapp Gabriel Duran aqui | ou envie um email - aloha@emanainstitute.com.br


Expeditions FAQ

  • As informações de cancelamento estão presentes no PDF do Retiro e são enviadas no email de inscrição.

  • No. Everyone is welcome at the Retreat and on expeditions. Feel in your heart and participate in this beautiful experience that is visiting the sacred portals of the world.

  • If on the Expedition you are participating in an Emana Training course, you will receive a Certificate for the course and for your participation in the expedition.

"We were born to experience the most beautiful places in this Planet

— @_marciabello

  • Founder

    Marcia will be your guide on the expeditions with Team Emana and the Sacred Sites. Our founder has traveled to more than 30 countries since 2011 and has several certifications in human development, healing therapies, and experiences with local cultures. Besides Emana's projects that have already impacted over 100,000 people indirectly and directly, we bring the essence of consciousness expansion in different strands such as courses, expeditions, documentaries, and content on social media since 2015. Learn more about the founder here.